Thursday 2 October 2008

Why Do I Use Email?

Although i do not use email too often, i do use it at times, to contact family and friends who i may not have on my phone or cannot contact any other way. I only email from home and i use Hotmail to do this. Email helps me at time when i cannot use my phone also, for example when i have run out of battery life or credit.Another reason for using email is when i wish to send images to people, which may be too large or too expensive to send via my mobile phone or during instant messaging. There are however some disadvantages to using Hotmail. Firstly you can receive emails from unknown contacts, meaning you are at risk from receiving spam and possibly having your account hacked. Also when sending an email, there is no way to know whether the recipient has received it or read it. I believe that emails do fulfil their purpose of being a free medium of communication, although there are now newer and better forms of communication which are preferred over email.EVALUATION OF MY COMMUNICATION
I use a variety of methods for communication but i feel that i use SMS or instant messaging more than other methods. This is because both SMS and IM are easy to use and usually result in an instant reply. I am quite impatient and for this reason would not enjoy waiting for a reply possibly days or weeks after sending an email or a letter. They are also both quite informal as many people learn to shorten their language when using SMS and IM. This informality makes me feel more comfortable and relaxed when using IM and SMS. Also i usually have my mobile phone by my side at all times. It is therefore more efficient for me to use my mobile phone to contact friends and family. Instant messaging helps me as i can see when people are at a computer from their status and can talk to more than one person at a time. It is also free to use and easy to understand. However i find that with instant messaging you can be contacted by people you may not know, who could potentially be harmful to you. Also a negative point with both SMS and IM is that as you are not hearing voices, you cannot tell the expressions or the tone of the person(s) you are speaking to. Therefore sarcasm is definitely not a good thing to use for these!
I use my mobile phone frequently. I use it to send messages by text, to make phone calls, to play games, to take photographs and more. I text friends and family more than i call them using my mobile phone, mainly because i find it easier and it is pointless to call them to say very small things. I find that having a mobile phone makes my life a lot more easy for many reasons. Firstly it means that i can contact people when i am not at home. I also feel a lot safer with my mobile phone as i know i can call people in case of an emergency. Also my phone has other means of entertainment such as games, music and a camera, so i can use it for many purposes. However depending on the type of phone, its charge will run out quite quickly and the phone will need to be charged t function. Also if there is no signal you cannot call or text contacts, so it is not always reliable. Mobile phones successfully fulfil their purpose of being a form of communication which people can use whilst on the move.

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