Wednesday 17 September 2008

An Introducion to Ebay

Ebay is an online shopping site, used to tade unwanted items and goods between members of the ebay society for profit. Users can bid against others for goods in auctions, can sell their own items or use the 'buy it now' option to instantly buy your desired goods. Ebay can be used all around the world.

Ebay is targeted at basically everyone, as there are items which would appeal to each and every person for sale. However you must be 18 to have an ebay account and therefore be able to use ebay, although it is known that many break these rules.

People can purchase items quickly and easily with the click of a mouse.
You can find things which you may not have been able to find otherwise.
You can contact buyers or sellers to find out details about the items you desire or are selling.

You can buy stolen or bad goods from sellers without knowing, or get involved with 'dodgy' sellers and con artists.
You can be scammed out of your money and not receive the item that you fairly won
It can be difficult to get in contact with uncooperative sellers or buyers for refunds.

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