Thursday 11 September 2008

Uses of SMS( short message service-texting)

The use of SMS can be used for business related reasons, and not only for personal use. Here are a few examples of how SMS can be used both personally and for business:

Business-Texting your company to notify them you are not coming to work
Personal-To contact loved ones
Business-Arrange meetings in the company
Personal-To make arrangements with family and friends
Business-Send contact cards via SMS to fellow employees
Personal-To check on how your family are doing and if they are safe and well.
Business-To notify fellow employees when something is wrong with you or a mistake has been made within the company.
Personal-Discreetly text people rather than making phone calls e.g. whilst in a cinema.

Other Advantages and Disadvantages of SMS
· You can use SMS silently
· It can be difficult for those who are not used to the technology(e.g. elderly)
· More reliable than email
· You can only have 150 characters in an SMS so they cannot be too long
· It is cheaper than making phone calls on a land line than BT
· You cannot retrieve an SMS after you have sent it so mistakes can be made
· You can send and receive messages very quickly(depending on signal)
· There is not always signal so you cannot always send or receive text messages
· Faster than sending an email
· Mobile phones emit radiation which can be harmful to your health possibly
· Can add smileys and emoticons to show how your feeling rather than writing it
· More time consuming to write a text than to make a phone call.
· Has an outbox, you can make drafts and there is an archive of messages which you have previously sent to people

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