Thursday 18 September 2008

Video Tutorials

Above are images i have printscreened of video tutorials.

I have reviewed a few sites, ( and teach-ict.Com) to find out about video tutorials. I found these very useful in the sense that firstly a physical person was not needed to explain things to you, and also because of the fact that the explanations that were used were extremely clear and simple to understand and only included relevant information to make it better to comprehend. Also because they are videos, if you do not understand a point the first time it is explained, you can review what you just watched and have it explained to you again. The video tutorials are usually quite attracting and many have the use of speech to make explanations more understandable. There is usually both visual and text instruction. Using video tutorials is also very useful because you can work at your own pace. There are also some quizzes and interesting activities to test your knowledge of what you have been learning from the videos.

There is a disadvantage however. To view the videos on your computer, you must have some sort of video playing software, which some people may no have installed, and therefore these people cannot watch the videos.
Video turorials differ from human interraction, because obviusly there isnt't any. This means when you have problems which need to be explained in depth it can be harder to get answers as all you have are video sources. Also the learning techniques which are used in the video tutorials may not be the types of learning techniques you are used to, so it may actually be harder to use video tutorials that human interraction for some people.

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