Thursday 18 September 2008

Virtual Classrooms

What is a Virtual Classroom?
The definition of virtual classroom is “This is a classroom where the physical room does not actually exist. Students are connected to the Internet and communicate through email and conferencing. The lecturer is responsible for presenting learning material online and coordinating classroom activities.” Virtual classrooms include seminars, or ‘webinars’". Advantages
Faster to type lessons than to write lessons by hand
People do not have to leave the comfort of their homes to learn
Time saving as opposed to physical lessons
People can work at their own pace

Can be harder to get help as there is no one physically there
Invigilators of exams will also have to be trained in IT to be able to mark the work
A high level of organisation is required
Hardware and software must be monitored carefully to make sure that it is all in working order, so mistakes are not made with peoples’ work.

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