Sunday 28 September 2008

MORE updates!

There are many parts so far which i feel were not given very good marks. I have gone through each of these, taken the advice of my teachers and improved them to the best of my ability.
These are the things which i have improved:
  • I have added more images and detail to the blog date 11/9/08(uses of SMS)
  • Although the blog due on the 14/9/08 was completed on the 16th I have done this and also made improvements to the original
  • On Acticities 14 and 15 i hav now aded more images to make this blog entry look more aesthetically pleasing.
  • I have revised every blog entry to make sure they are ALL of good quality, have images and look well presented.
  • Very soon I also plan on getting rid of the work that i previously scanned onto my blog, and replacing them with improved images of my work, as the scans were unclear and looked faded.
So i have now improved everything that i was told to improve and can continue to work at this level for the remainder of the course!

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